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EXTREMA RATIO(极端武力),是来自意大利的年轻刀厂,专门为军方开发研制和生产,旗下产品以独特亮眼,极富战斗气息的造型,迅速在刀界打开了知名度。极端武力多半设计思路在野外求生与战术的目标上,海外官方网站:https://extremaratio.com/

Extrema Ratio最大的特点就是设计精良,用料考究。以科技化和精益求精的制作品质,柄型设计极具人体工程学考量,握感舒适且可靠。


The knives were and still are expensive, mostly tactical products but made with the best in manufacturing quality and performance. Serious knife users use serious knives from Extrema Ratio.

The company is known for manufacturing a wide variety of combat, military, kitchen, hunting, and tactical knives since the beginning. Extrema Ratio has risen to fame because of its unsurpassed excellence in delivering high-performance knives to the military and tactical knife industry. Most Extrema Ratio knives are developed by keeping the requirements of Italian and foreign armed forces in mind.
